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Monday, April 25, 2011

The Wal Mart Experience: Why are you Yelling??

Dear Wal Mart Shopper:
 Yeah, I know, we've all been there when somebody with 341 items in their cart gets in front of us in the express lane when all we're buying is a bag of Doritos & Capri Sun, but what good does yelling do? Do you realize how dumb you look, pacing back & forth at the front of the store, swinging your head like some half-crazed bull and spewing forth obscenities? Huh? Instead of showing your ass so foolishly, perhaps you should take a more passive-aggressive approach: curse them quietly to yourself, then go straight home and furiously type up a blog bemoaning all your wal mart shopping woes to anyone who cares to read it online. Just an idea.